The Treasure of God’s Word by Ashlee Johnson


“When I was 14, I played the part of Mary in my church’s Christmas pageant. As a teenager myself, I tried to grasp the thought of being a young, pregnant girl about to give birth to Jesus, the Messiah. Despite the most unusual circumstances, Mary yielded to God’s will. After Jesus’s birth it says in Luke that “Mary treasured up all of these things and pondered them in her heart”.

So often, we forget to treasure God’s Word and promises in our hearts. Spending time with Him, filling our hearts and minds with His truths and praising Him helps us to respond with an unwavering “yes” to God’s call on our lives. When we remember His promises, we can walk fearlessly into the future and continue to be a light for others, pointing them to Him!”

Ashlee Johnson, Associate Vice President of University Advancement



Missouri Baptist Univ.
Missouri Baptist Univ.

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